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Articles in Academic Journals


Combined optical and electrical control of a low-power consuming (∼fJ) two-terminal organic artificial synapse for associative learning and neuromorphic applications


Amrita Bharati Mishra, R. Thamankar

RSC Nanoscale, , , (2024)

Royal Society of Chemistry

A carbon electrode approach for TiO2-write-once-read-many resistive memories


Gregory Soon How Thien and Azfar Razif and Abdelrahman Hamed and Chu-Liang Lee and Lini Lee and Wai-Leong Pang and Akella Sivaramakrishna and Ramesh Thamankar and Natarajan Rajasekar and Kah-Yoong Chan

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 184, , 108839 (2024)


Ligand-controlled UV light absorption property and neuromorphic behavior of a new Th(IV)- bisphosphoramide complex


A.S. Vijai Anand and S. Perinbanathan and Keval Hadiyal and Prabodh Ranjan and Ramesh Thamankar and Rajagopal Desikan and C.V.S. Brahmananda Rao and Akella Sivaramakrishna

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 168, , 112957 (2024)


Emulating Ebbinghaus forgetting behavior in a neuromorphic device based on low dimensional h-BN


Ashly Sunny, R. Thamankar

AIP Advances, 14, 8, 085010 (2024)

American Institute of Physics

Investigation of the transient photo-response and switching window of an Al/indigo/Al device: unveiling negative photoconductivity and the photo-enhanced memory window


B. Sreelakshmi, R. Thamankar

Materials Advances, 5, 14, 5912-5921 (2024)

Royal Society of Chemistry

Guidelines for the Design of Random Telegraph Noise-Based True Random Number Generators


Zanotti, Tommaso and Ranjan, Alok and O’Shea, Sean J. and Raghavan, Nagarajan and Thamankar, Ramesh and Leong Pey, Kin and Maria Puglisi, Francesco

IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 24, 2, 184-193 (2024)


Spike rate dependent synaptic characteristics in lamellar, multilayered α-MoO3 based two-terminal devices: efficient way to control synaptic amplification


Meenu Maria Sunny, R. Thamankar

RSC Advances, 14, 4, 2518-2528 (2024)

Royal Society of Chemistry


Coexistence of synaptic behaviour and negative differential resistance at room temperature in the resistive switching device based on natural indigo molecules


B. Sreelakshmi, R. Thamankar

Dyes and Pigments, 219, , 111638 (2023)


Bio-inspired artificial synapse for neuromorphic computing based on NiO nanoparticle thin film


Keval Hadiyal, Ramakrishnan Ganesan, A. Rastogi, R. Thamankar;

Scientific Reports, 13, 1, 7481 (2023)

Nature Portfolio

Artificial synapse based on carbon quantum dots dispersed in indigo molecular layer for neuromorphic applications


Amrita Bharati Mishra, R. Thamankar;

APL Materials, 11, 4, 41122 (2023)

American Institute of Physics


Room-Temperature Deep-UV Photoluminescence from Low-Dimensional Hexagonal Boron Nitride Prepared Using a Facile Synthesis


Ashly Sunny, A. Balapure, R. Ganesan, R. Thamankar;

ACS Omega, 7, 38, 33926–33933 (2022)

American Chemical Society


Effect of controlled humidity on resistive switching of multilayer VO2 devices


Vithaldas Raja, Keval Hadiyal, Aswini Kumar Nath, Leema Rose Viannie, Prashant Sonar, Joel Molina-Reyes, R.Thamankar;

Materials Science and Engineering B, 264, , 114968 (2021)



A Comparative Study of Crystallography and Defect Structure of Corneal Nipple Array in Daphnis nerii Moth and Papilio polytes Butterfly Eye


Shamprasad Varija Raghu and R. Thamankar

ACS Omega, 5, 37, 23662-23671 (2020)

American Chemical Society

Older Publications

A non-volatile resistive memory effect in 2, 2′, 6, 6′-tetraphenyl-dipyranylidene thin films as observed in field-effect transistors and by conductive atomic force microscopy


Courté, Marc; Surya, Sandeep G; Thamankar, Ramesh; Shen, Chao; Rao, V Ramgopal; Mhailsalkar, Subodh G; Fichou, Denis;

RSC Advances, 7, 6, 3336-3342 (2017)

Royal Society of Chemistry

Localized characterization of charge transport and random telegraph noise at the nanoscale in HfO2 films combining scanning tunneling microscopy and multi-scale simulations


R. Thamankar, F. M. Puglisi, A. Ranjan, N. Raghavan, K. Shubhakar, J. Molina, L. Larcher, A. Padovani, P. Pavan, S. J. O'Shea and K. L. Pey

Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 2, 24301 (2017)

American Institute of Physics

Single vacancy defect spectroscopy on HfO2 using random telegraph noise signals from scanning tunneling microscopy


Thamankar, R; Raghavan, N; Molina, J; Puglisi, Francesco Maria; O'Shea, SJ; Shubhakar, K; Larcher, Luca; Pavan, Paolo; Padovani, Andrea; Pey, KL;

Journal of Applied Physics, 119, 8, 84304 (2016)

American Institute of Physics

Performance of ultra‐thin HfO2‐based MIM devices after oxygen modulation and post‐metallization annealing in N2


Molina, Joel; Thamankar, Ramesh; Pey, Kin Leong;

Physica Status Solidi (A), 213, 7, 1807-1813 (2016)


Highly Luminescent Heterostructured Copper‐Doped Zinc Sulfide Nanocrystals for Application in Cancer Cell Labeling


Ang, Huixiang; Bosman, Michel; Thamankar, Ramesh; Zulkifli, Muhammad Faizal B; Yen, Swee Kuan; Hariharan, Anushya; Sudhaharan, Thankiah; Selvan, Subramanian Tamil;

ChemPhysChem, 17, 16, 2489-2495 (2016)

Chemistry Europe

An SEM/STM based nanoprobing and TEM study of breakdown locations in HfO2/SiOx dielectric stacks for failure analysis


Shubhakar, Kalya; Bosman, Michel; Neucheva, OA; Loke, YC; Raghavan, Nagarajan; Thamankar, R; Ranjan, Alok; O'Shea, Sean J; Pey, Kin Leong;

Microelectronics Reliability, 55, 009-10, 1450-1455 (2015)


Low temperature nanoscale electronic transport on the MoS2 surface


Thamankar, R; Yap, TL; Goh, KEJ; Troadec, C; Joachim, Christian;

Applied Physics Letters, 103, 8, 83106 (2013)

American Institute of Physics

Tilting, Bending, and Nonterminal Sites in CO/Cu (001)


Thamankar, R; Meyerheim, HL; Ernst, A; Ostanin, S; Maznichenko, IV; Soyka, E; Mertig, I; Kirschner, J;

Physical Review Letters, 106, 10, 106101 (2011)

American Physical Society

Spin-polarized transport in magnetically assembled carbon nanotube spin valves


Thamankar, R; Niyogi, S; Yoo, BY; Rheem, YW; Myung, NV; Haddon, RC; Kawakami, RK;

Applied Physics Letters, 89, 3, 33119 (2006)

American Institute of Physics

Evidence for superparamagnetism in ultrathin Fe and FexMn1− x films on Cu (1 0 0)


Bhagwat, S; Thamankar, R; Schumann, FO;

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 290, 1, 216-218 (2005)

North-Holland (Elsevier)

Structural and magnetic properties of Fe-rich FexMn1− x ultrathin alloy films on Cu (1 1 1 7)


Bhagwat, S; Thamankar, R; Schumann, FO;

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 290, 1, 213-215 (2005)

North-Holland (Elsevier)

Magnetically assembled multiwalled carbon nanotubes on ferromagnetic contacts


Niyogi, Sandip; Hangarter, Carlos; Thamankar, Ramesh M; Chiang, Yueh-Feng; Kawakami, Roland; Myung, Nosang V; Haddon, Robert C;

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108, 51, 19818-19824 (2004)

American Chemical Society

Structural and magnetic properties of ultrathin fcc Fe x Mn 1− x films on Cu (100)


Thamankar, R; Bhagwat, S; Schumann, FO;

Physical Review B, 69, 5, 54411 (2004)

American Physical Society

Structural and magnetic instabilities in ultrathin Fe-rich alloy films on Cu (100)


Thamankar, R; Bhagwat, S; Schumann, FO;

Physical Review B, 69, 5, 54419 (2004)

American Physical Society

Effect of submonolayer coverage of Fe and Mn films on the magnetization direction of Ni/Cu (100)


Thamankar, R; Bhagwat, S; Schumann, FO;

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 281, 002-003, 206-213 (2004)

North-Holland (Elsevier)

Perpendicular anisotropy in Ni rich NixMn1− x ultrathin films


Thamankar, R; Bhagwat, S; Schumann, FO;

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 16, 34, 6029 (2004)

IOP Publishing

Evolution of magnetic properties at the interface FexMn1–x/Ni


Bhagwat, S; Thamankar, R; Schumann, FO;

Physica Status Solidi (C), 1, 12, 3664-3669 (2004)

WILEY‐VCH Verlag Berlin

Tuning spin reorientation transition of Ni/Cu (1 0 0) by Fe cap layers


Thamankar, R; Schumann, FO;

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 272, 2, 1196-1197 (2004)

North-Holland (Elsevier)

Instabilities in ultrathin Fe-rich alloy films on Cu(100)


Thamankar, R; Bhagwat, S; Schumann, FO;

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272, 276, e779-e780 (2004)

North-Holland (Elsevier)

Evolution of magnetic properties at the interface Fe x Mn 1-x/Ni


Bhagwat, S; Thamankar, R; Schumann, FO;

Physica Status Solidi (C), 1, 12, 3664-3669 (2004)

WILEY‐VCH Verlag Berlin

Spin-reorientation transition in Fe x Ni 1− x alloy films


Thamankar, R; Ostroukhova, A; Schumann, FO;

Physical Review B, 66, 13, 134414 (2002)

American Physical Society

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